Ilona Roth
Choreographer, Director, Freelance Artist, Festival Curator, Performing Arts Educator, Entrepreneur

Ilona Roth was born in Kazakhstan and moved at the age of 7 to Germany.
She lives and does a big part of work in Linz, Austria, since 2003.
Her dance art studies happened in different countries, universities and places, such as Germany, Austria and USA. She used a lot of opportunities to join workshops in different countries like Serbia, Egypt, Italy, Russia (and more) in the fields of theatre, voice and dance. Amongst these educational experience she received a scholarship to train with New York's Companies' Dancers and another scholarship to study different concepts of classical and modern theatre with actors form Europe and the Middle East in Alexandria, Egypt.
Though art is until now the main field of work and motivation, her curiosity for science and research led her to acquire skills and knowledge in the field of physics and engineering.
Her degrees in art and science are BSc and BA/MA from the Anton-Bruckner-Private-University in Linz, Austria; the University for Applied Science in Wels, Austria; and the University for Appliced Sciences in Krems, Austria (2014). She speaks 7 languages,. out of them 3 fluently.
She is co-founder (with Emmanuelle Vinh) and leader of the cultural initiative RedSapata which now has grown to be a main gathering point for local and international dancers (from professional to beginner). RedSapata aims to support contemporary dance by providing space to produce art work and networking. It is currently located at the Tabakfabrik Linz, a hotspot in town for diverse cultural initiatives. For more information please visit
Under the label Transitheart Productions she received the Spoleto OPEN Award in 2012 for the pieces "The Hype" and "Plant B".
Next to her artwork (see: Dance Art) she is involved in different cooperations for opera, performance art projects, community art projects, organization of workshops and networks.
Together with Ulrike Hager she is co-founder and director of the "tanzhafenFESTIVAL", the main dance festival in Linz, Austria since 2013. Major venues of the city participate in a week full of dance linking together different artists from the field of contemporary movement art.
2015/16 she took a break from her cultural activities due to the birth of her daughter. She continues with different dance and theatre art projects from October 2016 on.
2018 : AMATEO Award Nomination for the project "10+10 Bridges" as one of 5 finalists out of 65 europe-wide spread project application, Stage Art Award from the country of Upper Austria for the work of RedSapata Dance Factory, Prevention Prize 3rd place for the project "10+10 Bridges"
For Upcoming Projects see News...
Ilona Roth //
Transitheart Productions is a label for art productions within the fields of contemporary dance, theatre, performance art and installation with a broad approach to related art fields. It has been created by Ilona Roth, a dancer, choreographer, director and actress from Germany and Austria. It stands for an expressive, experimental and authentic approach to the field of the performing and fine arts.
This page also presents all other cultural activities of Ilona Roth as festival director, cultural manager and dance educator.
main fields of action:
Transitheart Productions
RedSapata Tanzfabrik
Press References:
Radio Interview "Radio Fro" 05/17: about RedSapata Tanzfabrik:
Review/Online-Blog "" 05/17: about the project 10+10 Brücken and the tanzhafenfestival:
Radio Interview "Freies Radio B138" 05/17: about life, art, dance & the upcoming tanzhafenfestival 2017:
Magazine Report "Wasistlos?/OÖN" 08/16: about Workshop Series "Sommertanztage":;art7,2325603
Magazine Report "OÖN" 10/15: about tanzhafenFESTIVAL:;art66,1998757
TV Report "LT1" 04/14 (1:34 min): about tanzhafenFESTIVAL:
Magazine Interview & Report "OÖN" 04/14: about the leading team of tanzhafenFESTIVAL:;art7,1362252
TV Report "BBC / Midlands Today" 07/14: about the BE Festival, Birmingham:
Blog Inverview by Thomas Kreiseder with Ilona Roth:
Magazine Report "OÖN" 04/13: Preview tanzhafenFESTIVAL;art16,1108312
TV Report "LT1" 09/13: about the opera production "Der Schatzgräber":
Magazine Report "Profil" – Edition 12/12: about the Tabakfabrik & RedSapata:
Magazine Report: "Kurier" 02/12: about the dance production „The Hype“:
Magazine Report "OÖN 02/12": about „The Hype“;art7,822217
TV interview about the local artists’ scene, German language, 2011, 90 min:
TV report about the collaboration between RedSapata and Theater Virulent, German language, 2011, 4 min:
Magazine Report "Alex Times" 2009 about the Babylon Troupe (hier als pdf verlinkt)
Magazine Review "Daily News Egypt" 2008 about the art work"De_Forma" at Alexandria, Egypt:
many more press references available, if needed please request information here...