Artsy Human Business
Methods with multiplying effects linking arts to business, adding value and creating purpose.
Methods with multiplying effects linking arts to business, adding value and creating purpose.
Entwickeln mit der Methode von Effectuation für agiles Leadership und innovative Prozesse
Create with the principles of effectuation for better solutions and innovative processes
unique methods for better teams, higher goals and a greater atmosphere
a toolbox for defining your brand or product, from the beginning of an idea to it's full presence
Framing and Reframing of context, tasks and ideas for greater solutions and intriguing presentations
sensomotoric research and learning of content, strategies & solutions
Change & Bewusstsein, Innovataion & Lösungen, transformative Arbeit durch szenische Prozess-Bearbeitung
Social Media & Online Marketing: den richtigen Kanal wählen & effektiv nutzen, Social Ads & strategisches Targeting
Buchungs- und Shop-System bedarfsgerecht aufsetzen, für EPUs, KMUs und NPOs